Looks, exile and identity as metafictions in images. Miguel Barahona’s collective narrative


  • Águeda Chávez García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras




exile, identity, artistic language


This paper proposes to analyze the discourse of the image and the words in relation to identity, then this type of artistic language is investigated from a theoretical perspective. Through a questioning, the abstract space of photographic contemplation is approached, but linking it to the ideas transmitted by the work piece. The argument that will serve as a pivot point in the decoding will be the questioning of the contradictions that are denoted in terms of migration and exile present in the work Pérdida temporal de la memoria by the Honduran artist Miguel Barahona, presented at the V Biennial of the Visual Arts of the Central American Isthmus. Methodologically, it is considered a documentary analysis based on the proposal of Roland Barthes, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez and Eva Heller, who proposed the decode of the image from the internal spacing compressed in space-time. Therefore, the way to transmit the ideas proposed by the artist will be through an analysis of the decoding perspective and identity marks, relating it to those indications that Sánchez Vázquez, at the time, called as «a specific language or peculiar system of signs». The entire approach of the writing is made visible through the aesthetics of the image and the semantic load applied to what is designated as «the postulate of the identity of thought and language».


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How to Cite

Chávez García, Águeda. (2023). Looks, exile and identity as metafictions in images. Miguel Barahona’s collective narrative. Oltreoceano - Rivista Sulle Migrazioni, (21), 195–205. https://doi.org/10.53154/Oltreoceano73