Self-Translation as Problem for Italian-Canadian Authors
Self-translation, Italo-Canadian, trilingualismAbstract
There is often the sense of self-betrayal when bilingual authors self-translate their literary works. In this paper in Comparative Literature the author examines the works of Italian-Canadian authors, in particular Maria Ardizzi, Antonio D’Alfonso, Arianna Dagnino, Licia Canton, Filippo Salvatore, Gianna Patriarca and Alexandre Amprimoz, in terms of their practice of self-translation and the problems that they encounter and try to overcome.
Auto-traduzione: problemi rilevati in autori italo-canadesi
Sovente quando gli autori bilingui si auto-traducono emerge un ineluttabile senso di tradimento del sé. Adottando un approccio comparativo, questo saggio esamina le opere auto-tradotte di scrittori italo-canadesi quali Maria Ardizzi, Antonio D’Alfonso,
Arianna Dagnino, Licia Canton, Filippo Salvatore, Gianna Patriarca e Alexandre Amprimoz al fine di individuare i problemi che incontrano nella loro pratica autotraduttiva e le strategie che vengono adottate per risolverli.
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“Coincidence”. Id. Almond Wine and Fertility. Montreal: Longbridge Books. 2008: 33-40
“In Front of the Bell Centre”. Id. The Pink House and Other Stories. Montreal: Long-bridge Books. 2018: 17-18
“Refuge in the Vineyard”. Id. The Pink House and Other Stories. Montreal: Longbridge Books. 2018: 39-44
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“Risposta agli antenati”. Giulia De Gasperi and Delia De Santis (eds.). People, Places, Passages: An Anthology of Canadian Writing. Montreal: Longbridge Books. 2018: 440
“Scrittrice”. Giulia De Gasperi and Delia De Santis (eds.). People, Places, Passages: An Anthology of Canadian Writing. Montreal: Longbridge Books. 2018: 441.____. “Se traduire au quotidien”. Interfrancophonies, 6 (2015). Paola Puccini(ed.). Regards croisés autor de l’autotraduction. 2015: 87-92
“The Courtyard”. Id. Almond Wine and Fertility. Montreal: Longbridge Books. 2008: 93-97
The Pink House and Other Stories. Montreal: Longbridge Books. 2018.
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