“Il est donné, dans toutes les langues, de bâtir la tour”. Glissant Listening to the World's Voices
Glissant, Relation, world poetryAbstract
Beginning with Glissant’s interest in the preservation of linguistic multiplicity, as evidenced in particular by the interviews he granted to Lise Gauvin over the years, the essay dwells on the writer’s latest production in search of the voices of the earth and the world, as indicated by the subtitle, “Poésie en etendue”, of his last important theoretical work, Philosophie de la Relation (2009), and the anthology La Terre, le feu, l’eau et les vents. Une anthologie de la poésie du Toutmonde (2010). This two works, despite their extraordinary diversity, show how Glissant, better known for his essay writing and narrative work than for his poetry, has in fact always privileged a poetic language that better than others allows men to communicate with each other, whatever language they write their work in.
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