Esperienze di scrittura migrante a confronto: le testimonianze di tre scrittrici canadesi di origine friulana
donne, emigrazione, lingue diverse, memoria nella creazione o ricostruzione dell’identitàAbstract
Per il soggetto migrante friulano che si ritrova in un paese (franco-)anglosassone come il Canada, ed in particolare per la donna friulana, la presenza del proprio gruppo etnico diventa un mediatore importante nel processo di ricostruzione della propria identità. Lo testimonia l’opera di Marisa De Franceschi, di Genni Gunn e di Dôre Michelut, scrittrici nate in Friuli, ma emigrate giovanissime in Canada.
Experiences of Migrant Writing: The Accounts of Three Canadian Women of Friulian Origin
For Friulian migrant subjects in Canada, and in particular for Friulian women, the ethnic community is a crucial mediator in the process of identity reconstruction. This is witnessed in the works of Marisa De Franceschi, Genni Gunn and Dôre Michelut, three women writers who were born in Friuli and emigrated to Canada during their childhood.
De Franceschi, M. (1994): Surface Tension. Toronto: Guernica.
De Franceschi, M. (1998): Pillars of Lace: The Anthology of Italian-Canadian Women Writers. Toronto: Guernica.
De Franceschi, M. (2001): Family Matters. Toronto: Guernica.
Gunn, G. (1990): Thrice Upon a Time. Kingston Ontario: Quarry Press.
Gunn, G. (1991): On the Road. Ottawa: Oberon Press.
Gunn, G. (1993): Mating in Captivity. Kingston Ontario: Quarry Press.
Gunn, G. (2001): Tracing Iris. Vancouver: Raincoast Books.
Gunn, G. (2002): Hungers. Vancouver: Raincoast Books.
Gunn, G. (2007): Faceless. Winnipeg: Signature.
Mariti, C. (2003): Donna migrante: il tempo della solitudine e dell’attesa. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Michelut, D. (1986): Loyalty to the Hunt. Montreal: Guernica.
Michelut, D. (1990): Ourobouros: The Book That Ate Me. Montreal: Trois.
Michelut, D. (1990): Linked Alive. Montreal: Trois.
Michelut, D. (1990): Liens: Dôre Michelut, Anne-Marie Alonzo, Charles Douglas, Paul Savoie, Lee Maracle, Ayanna Black. Montreal: Trois.
Michelut, D. (1993): A Furlan Harvest: An Anthology. Montreal: Trois.
Michelut, D. (1994): Loyale a la chasse. Montreal: Trois.
Michelut, D. (1994): Coming to terms with the Mother Tongue. In B. Godard (Ed.), Collaboration in the Feminine: Writings on Women and Culture from TESSERA (pp.162-170). Toronto: Second Story Press.
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