Latin America’s Presence in Pierre Samson’s La Maison des pluies: the Expression of “Amerilatinity”
Pierre Samson, Transmigrating writing, Amerilatinity, Quebe, Latin AmericaAbstract
Latin America’s Presence in Pierre Samson’s La Maison des pluies: the Expression of “Amerilatinity”
The novelist Pierre Samson made his debut on the Quebec literary scene in the second half of the 1990s with the so-called “Brazilian trilogy” (Le Messie de Bélem, 1996; Un garçon de compagnie, 1997; Il était une fois une ville, 1999), which falls into the field of transmigrating writing, a category that, according to Gilles Dupuis, is supposed to break down the boundary between migrant and national literature. This article looks at Samson’s sixth novel, La Maison des pluies, published in 2013, in order to highlight the way in which it implements a transmigrant practice. The analysis of the text, carried out on the level of thematic and formal transfers, calls for a reflection on identity based on the concept of “amerilatinity” created by Frédéric Lesemann. The novel leads to a rethinking of the Quebec identity in transcultural terms and according to a continental dimension through the representation of a pluricultural and multilingual Quebec space, the creation of a Salvadorian character immigrated to Quebec, socio-historical references to Latin America as well as through the code-switching achieved by the dialogues and the narrator’s voice.
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