Pasolini: “Spiritual”
Brass Spittoons, Langston Hughes, PasoliniAbstract
Nel vario sperimentalismo di Pier Paolo Pasolini va inserito uno spiritual, che ricalca “Brass Spittoons” di Langston Hughes, autore di spirituals la cui produzione era giunta da poco in Italia. Pasolini fa propria la formula poetica utilizzandola con i contenuti a lui consueti: la sudditanza del proletariato friulano nei confronti del padronato latifondista.
Pasolini: Spiritual
In Pier Paolo Pasolini’s multifaceted experimentalism there is also to be found a spiritual, written under the influence of Langston Hughes’s “Brass Spittoons”. The fame of Hughes, the author of famous spirituals, had recently reached Italy, and Pasolini adopted his poetic formula to give voice to his own contents: the subjection of the Friulian proletariat to estate owners.
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