In Australia con la Grande Madre: Oodgeroo Noonuccal e la poesia dell’anima


  • Antonella Riem Università degli Studi di Udine

Parole chiave:

civiltà dei bianchi, tradizione aborigena, sacralità


Le poesie di Oodgeroo analizzate in questa sede, We are going, Understand Old One e Municipal Gum, nella loro apparente semplicità, evocano il rapporto con la ‘civiltà’ dei bianchi che ha creato una discontinuità rispetto alla ‘tradizione’ e una separazione dal profondo mistero della Natura, vissuta dagli aborigeni come entità sacra primordiale.

In Australia with the Great Mother: Oodgeroo Noonuccal and the poetry of the soul
In their apparent simplicity, the poems We are going, Understand Old One and Municipal Gum, by Oodgeroo Noonuccal focus on the relationship with the white ‘civilization’ that has created a discontinuity with ‘tradition’ and a separation from the profound mystery of Nature, which Aborigines consider a sacred primordial entity.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

Baker, C. (1987): Kath Walker. In Yacker 2: Australian Writers Talk About Their Work (pp. 280-301). Woolara, New South Wales: Pan.

Doobov, R. (1973): The New Dreamtime: Kath Walker in Australian Literature. Australian LiteraryStudies, 6, 1, pp. 46-55.

Hodge, B. & Vijau, M. (1991): Dark Side of the Dream. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

Mudrooroo (Colin Johnson) (1990): Writing from the Fringe: A Study of Modern Aboriginal Literature. Melbourne: Hyland House.

Noonuccall, Oodgeroo (Kath Walker) (1964): We Are Going. Brisbane: Jacaranda Press.

Noonuccall, Oodgeroo (Kath Walker) (1966): The Dawn is at Hand. Brisbane: Jacaranda Press.

Noonuccall, Oodgeroo (Kath Walker) (1970): Stradbroke Dreaming. Brisbane: Jacaranda Press.

Noonuccall, Oodgeroo (Kath Walker) (1972): My People. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

Noonuccall, Oodgeroo (Kath Walker) (1977): Interview. Meanjin, 36, 4, pp. 428-441.

Noonuccall, Oodgeroo (Kath Walker) (1977): Meanjin. Aboriginal Issue, 36, 4.

Oodgeroo (1994): A Tribute. A Special Issue of Australian Literary Studies. Ed. Adam Schoemaker. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press.

Schoemaker, A. (1989): Black Words, White Page: Aboriginal Literature 1929-1988. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press.

Sheridan, S. (1988): Women Writers. In L. Hergenhan (Ed.), The Penguin New Literary History of Australia (pp. 319-336). Melbourne: Penguin.

The Australian Wome n’s Register (2001): Oodgeroo Noonuccal (1920 - 1993). Reuperato da

Tickner, R. (1994): Oodgeroo’s Impact on Federal Politics. In. Oodgeroo, A Tribute. A Special Issueof Australian Literary StudiesA. Schoemaker (Ed.). St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press. 146-52.




Come citare

Riem, A. (2022). In Australia con la Grande Madre: Oodgeroo Noonuccal e la poesia dell’anima. Oltreoceano - Rivista Sulle Migrazioni, (3), 201–210. Recuperato da