Guide turistiche per viaggiatrici nordamericane in Europa tra Otto e Novecento


  • Simone Francescato Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia

Parole chiave:

viaggio, guide turistiche, emancipazione femminile, contesto storico-sociale, s. XX


Il saggio esamina i primi significativi esempi di guide turistiche scritte da, e concepite specificamente per donne nordamericane in viaggio per l’Europa tra Otto e Novecento, contestualizzando tali pubblicazioni nel contesto storico-culturale dell'emancipazione femminile nei primi anni del secolo scorso. Documenti preziosi per ricostruire l'emergere del cosiddetto ideale della New Woman, queste guide presentano interessanti spunti di confronto, da un punto vista ideologico e retorico, con le guide turistiche dominanti (vale a dire pensate per un soggetto universalizzato e, quindi, di sesso maschile).

Tourist Guides for US Women Traveling to Europe in XIX and XX Century
The essay examines the first significant examples of tourist guides, written and conceived for US women traveling to Europe between XIX and XX century, framing those publications in the context of women’s emancipation in the beginning of the XX century. These documents are significant to reconstruct the emergence of the ideal of the New Woman, and they present several elements of contrast, from the ideological and rhetorical standpoint, with dominant tourist guides (namely, planned for a universal user, including men).


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Riferimenti bibliografici

Beecher Stowe, H. (1854): Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co.

Burnham, S. M. (1896): Pleasant Memories of Foreign Travel. Boston: Bradlee Whidden.

Davidson, L.C. (1889): Hints to Lady Travellers, at Home and Abroad. London: Iliffe & Son.

Fodor, E. & Martins, A. (Eds) (1953-1959): Woman’s Guide to Europe. New York: David Mc Kay Co.Inc.

Fuller, M. (1856): At Home and Abroad, or Things and Thoughts in America and Europe. Boston: Crosby, Nichols & Co.

Hunt Jackson, H. (1874): Bits of Travel. Cambridge (Mass.): James R. Osgood.

Jones, M. C. (1900): European Travel for Women: Notes and Suggestions. New York: Mac-Millan Company.

Kelley, J. (1870): Blanche McManus (Mansfield). Recuperato da

Levenstein, H. (1998): Seductive Journey: American Tourists in France from Jefferson to the Jazz Age. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

MacCannell, D. (1973): Staged Authenticity: Arrangements of Social Space in Tourist Settings. The American Journal of Sociology, 79, 3, pp. 589-603.

Matthews, G. (1987): Just a Housewife: The Rise and Fall of Domesticity in America. New York: Oxford UP.

McManus, B. (1911): The American Woman Abroad. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co.

Nieriker, M. A. (1879): Studying Art Abroad, and How to Do It Cheaply. Boston: Roberts Brothers.

Stewart, S. (1993): On Longing: Narratives of the Gigantic, the Miniature, the Souvenir, the Collection. Durham NC: Duke University Press.

Stowe, W. B. (1994): Going Abroad: European Travel in The Nineteenth Century. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.

Thompson, C. (2011): Travel Writing. London: Routledge.

Wharton, E. (1908): A Motor-flight through France. New York: Scribner’s & Son.

Women’s Rest Tour Association (1896): A Summer in England, with a Continental Supplement: A Handbookfor the Use of American Women. Boston: Beacon Press.




Come citare

Francescato, S. (2022). Guide turistiche per viaggiatrici nordamericane in Europa tra Otto e Novecento. Oltreoceano - Rivista Sulle Migrazioni, (6), 51–65. Recuperato da