Migrazione e cinema indipendente americano: “Hester Street” di Joan Micklin Silver


  • Simone Francescato Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia

Parole chiave:

Hester Strett (1975), Yekl, adattamento cinematografico, migrazione di fine diciannovesimo secolo


Questo saggio analizza “Hester Street” (1975), uno dei capolavori del cinema indipendente nordamericano sulla migrazione di fine secolo verso gli Stati Uniti d’America, scritto e diretto dalla regista Joan Micklin Silver e tratto dalla novella Yekl: A Tale of the New York Ghetto (1896) dello scrittore ebreo-russo Abraham Cahan. In particolare, l’analisi si incentra sull’adattamento cinematografico della novella e sul modo in cui vengono in essa trattati temi come l’assimilazione e l’emancipazione femminile di fine secolo in sintonia con le spinte di rinnovamento socio-culturale degli anni Settanta del Novecento.

Migration and the American Independent Cinema: “Hester Street” by Joan Micklin Silver
This essay analyzes “Hester Street” (1975) one of the masterpieces of American independent cinema on late 19th century migration towards the United States, written and directed by Joan Micklin Silver and taken from the novella Yekl: A Tale of the New York Ghetto (1896) by Jewish-Russian writer Abraham Cahan. The essay focuses in particular on the filmic adaptation from the novella, examining its treatment of topics such as assimilation and late 19thcentury female emancipation in the context of the social and cultural turmoil of the 1970s.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

Antler, J. (1995): Hester Street. In M. C. Carnes (Ed.), Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies (pp. 178-181). New York: H. Holt & Co.

Cahan, A. (1917): The Rise of David Levinsky. New York & London: Harper Bros.

Cahan, A. (1970): Yekl and the Imported Bridegroom and Other Stories of Yiddish New York. Bernard G. Richards (Ed.). New York: Dover Publications.

Chinn, S. E. (2009): Inventing Modern Adolescence: The Children of Immigrants in Turn-of-the-century America. Piscataway NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Epstein, L. J. (2013): American Jewish Films: The Search for Identity. Jefferson NJ: McFarland.

Erens, P. (1984): The Jew in American Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

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Yezierska, A. (1995): Salome of the Tenements, 1923. Gay Wilentz (Ed.). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Michel, S. (1977): Yekl and Hester Street. Was Assimilation Really Good for the Jews? Literature-Film Quarterly, 5, pp. 142-146.

Springfield Springfield (1975): Hester Street. Movie Script. Recuperato da http://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script. php?movie=hester-street

Street, H. (Dir.) (2004): Micklin Silver, 1975. DVD. Homevision.

National Film Registry (2011): Recuperato da http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2011/11-240.html

Olcott, S. (Dir.) (1925): Salome of the Tenements. Famous Players-Lasky Corporation.

Riis, J. (2010): How the Other Half Lives, 1890. H. R. Diner (Ed.). New York: W.W. Norton.

Schulman, B. J. (2001): The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics. New York: The Free Press.

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Come citare

Francescato, S. (2021). Migrazione e cinema indipendente americano: “Hester Street” di Joan Micklin Silver. Oltreoceano - Rivista Sulle Migrazioni, (9), 95–104. Recuperato da https://riviste.lineaedizioni.it/index.php/oltreoceano/article/view/217