Between Measure and Excess: The Roman Republic in Louisa May Alcott’s Moods


  • Sabrina Vellucci Università Roma Tre


Parole chiave:

transatlantic relations, myth of the Roman Republic, racial and gender boundaries


Louisa May Alcott’s Moods and the sensation tales the author published in the 1860s exceeded narrative, racial, and gender boundaries. References to the Roman Republic came to epitomize the sentimental excess that was beginning to be censored by the literary establishment.

Tra eccesso e misura: la Repubblica Romana in Moods di Louisa May Alcott
Il romanzo Moods e i racconti a sensazione che Louisa May Alcott pubblicò nel decennio 1860 trasgredivano i confini narrativi, razziali e di genere. I riferimenti alla Repubblica Romana finirono col simboleggiare gli eccessi sentimentalisti censurati dall’establishment letterario.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

Alcott, L. M. (1995): Moods. S. Elbert (Ed.). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Chevigny, B. G. (1976): The Woman and the Myth: Margaret Fuller’s Life and Writings. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Fuller, M. (1991): These Sad but Glorious Days. Dispatches from Europe 1846-1850. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Elbert, M. (2013): The Paradox of Catholicism in New England Women’s Gothic. In B. Marshall and M. Elbert (Eds.), Transnational Gothic: Literary and Social Exchanges in the Long Nineteenth Century (pp. 113-138). Farnham: Ashgate.

Elbert, S. (1995): Introduction. In L. M. Alcott, Moods (pp. XI-XLII). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Elbert, S. (1997): Introduction. In Louisa May Alcott on Race, Sex, and Slavery (pp. IX-LX). Boston: Northeastern University Press.

King, S. (1995/09/10): Blood and Thunder in Concord. In The New York Times Review of Books17. Retrieved from html

Matteson, J. (2017): Believe and Tremble. A Note on Margaret Fuller’s Roman Revolution. Journal RIAS, 10, pp. 121-124.

Myerson, J. and Shealy, D. (Eds.) (1995): The Selected Letters of Louisa May Alcott. Athens and London: The University of Georgia Press.

Saxton, M. (1995): Louisa May Alcott. A Modern Biography. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Showalter, E. (Ed.) (1988): Alternative Alcott. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Stern, M.B. (1996): Louisa May Alcott. A Biography. New York: Random House.




Come citare

Vellucci, S. (2021). Between Measure and Excess: The Roman Republic in Louisa May Alcott’s Moods. Oltreoceano - Rivista Sulle Migrazioni, (17), 81–90.



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