San Francisco: 18 aprile 1906


  • Daniela Ciani Forza Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia

Parole chiave:

terremoto, San Francisco, 1906


Il saggio si articola attorno ai resoconti del terremoto che sconvolse la città di San Francisco nel 1906. Alla distruzione della città, la popolazione reagì con determinazione e impegno morale, quasi a conferma della sua volontà di opporre a quest’ennesima sfida della wilderness la provvidenzialità del ‘sogno americano’. Ne scrissero con pari pathos e lucidità artisti, intellettuali, giornalisti, personalità civili e religiose, semplici cittadini e cittadine, tutti accomunati da spirito di rinascita – della città e della loro fiducia nel futuro.

San Francisco: April 18th 1906
Object of the article are the reports which followed the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. The people’s reaction to the destruction of the city was one of determination and moral engagement, to confirm, that is, their will to contrast this further challenge of the ‘wilderness’ to the ‘American dream’. Artists, intellectuals, journalists, civil and religious personalities, as well as common citizens offered reports of the tragedy – all of them being further demonstrations of a spirit of rebirth – of the city and of their confidence in the future.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

Bradstreet, A. (1964): Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666. In G. Moore (Ed.), American Literature (pp. 68-69). London: Faber & Faber.

Cameron, D. (1906): Account of the Flight from Chinatown. Recuperato da

Caruso E. (1906): 1906 Earthquake Eyewitness Account of Enrico Caruso. Recuperato da

Cross, C.V. (1906): Opening an Emergency Hospital. Recuperato da

Funston, F. (1906): How the Army Worked to Save San Francisco. Recuperato da…/funston_report_earthquake_cosmo

Green, J. Ph. (2014): Manifest Destinations: Cities and Tourists in the Nineteenth Century American West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

Jones, H. (1996): A London Parson Comes to Town. In M. E. Baker (Ed.), More San Francisco Memoirs – The Ripening Years San Francisco (pp. 219-234). San Francisco: Londonborne Publications.

Head, L. (1906): One Boy’s Experience. Our Junior Citizens, (July 28). Recuperato da

Herrick Wall, L. (1906): Heroic San Francisco - A Woman’s Story of the Pluck and Heroism of the People of the Stricken City. The New Century Magazine, (August). Recuperato da

Leach, F.A. (1906): Battle to Save the U.S. Mint From the 1906 Fire. Recuperato da

London, J. (1906): The Story of an Eyewitness. Collier’s, The National Weekly, (May 5). Recuperato da

Museum of San Francisco (1906): San Francisco’s Principal Architectural Styles. Recuperato da

Nichols, W.F. (1906): A Father’s Story of the Earthquake and Fire in San Francisco. Recuperato da

Pittsinger, E.A. (1906): Poem of the earthquake written on its first anniversary: Recuperato da

Rice, H. (1870): Letters from California. Recuperato da

Ready, K.E. (2013): The Big One. Santa Barbara (Cal) and Wichita (Kansas): Saint Gaudens Press.

Sedgwick, Ch. B. (1906): The Fall of San Francisco - Some Personal Observations. American Builders Review. Recuperato da

Serafin, S. (2016): Resilienza e speranza: dalla realtà del terremoto alla letteratura dei terremoti. Oltreoceano, 12, pp. 11-22.

Simpson, E.S. (1906): The Wisdom of the Dogs. San Francisco Chronicle, (May 6). Recuperato da




Come citare

Ciani Forza, D. (2021). San Francisco: 18 aprile 1906. Oltreoceano - Rivista Sulle Migrazioni, (12), 161–175. Recuperato da



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