Virtual Exiles
Migrating, Exile, Horizons, Regression, Choices, SearchAbstract
In a way not dissimilar to the birds of Boscoverde, which feel a more impellent urge to migrate after the storm Vaia and to engage in a sort of exile as they await to return to their woods, violent and evil men, overcome by the desire for death in youth and by the horrors of global wars, feel obliged to engage in a sort of mental exile into alternative places of thought to survive. Like the birds, they, too, long to return to themselves, to their mental habitat‒ in other words, to their daily serenity; and just like the birds that have faith in the species, in future nests and in the choral harmony of their collective chant, so too do the men, reawakened in their spirits, feel the passion for life and the urge to make free choices that reactivate their dreams. They thus search for bright spaces where they can spread the meaning of existence with words and gestures that transmit goodness and beauty. Together they await the coming of a Homo Viator, capable of giving voice to a new type of humanism, which instills a constructive sense of humanity into positive global projects.Downloads
Cesari, A. (2024): Homo Viator. In p. N. Villa & M.L. Daniele Toffanin (Eds.), Insieme nell’Umano e nel Divino. Quaderno XC (pp. 19-20). Praglia: Cenacolo di Poesia. In proprio.
Daniele Toffanin, M.L. (2006): L’annuncio di un evento. Attesa di un nuovo umanesimo. In M.L. Daniele Toffanin, Fragmenta. (pag. 106). Venezia: Marsilio (Elleffe).
Platone (1993): Opere complete, 1982-1984 (9 voll.). G. Giannantoni (Ed.). Roma-Bari: Laterza.
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