Narration in the Postmodern Period
narration, narrative analysis in modernity, PostmodernityAbstract
The following text begins by underlining the importance of narrative from the origins of humanity to the present day; it continues with a brief summary of the narrative analyses produced by modernity, under the sign of science. In doing so, it examines the classifications of Propp, Aarne and Thompson, and then describes, in broad outline, the formalist, stylistic and structuralist theses. The emergence of postmodernism is described, and it is pointed out that the critique of modern society had already begun with Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. It underlines Freud’s decisive role in the disarticulation of the “centred subject” and also the critique of instrumental reason coming from ecocriticism. Finally, it describes, based on Lacan and Heidegger, the postmodern postulates concerning the “truth” of narration, and the crisis of logocentrism and anthropocentrism.
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