Daffy Duck or the Generous Writer


  • Antonio D'Alfonso University of Toronto


cartoon, ethnicity, cultural pluralism vs. melting-pot, century 20th, second generation artists


Antonio D’Alfonso shows the true nature of Warner Brothers short animated film “Duck Amuck” (1953), by Michael Maltese, a screenwriter of Italian origins. Behind the surreal of its appearances, this cartoon hides the question of ethnicity.

Daffy Duck o lo scrittore generoso
Antonio D’Alfonso dimostra come il cartone animato di Duffy Duck, Pennelli, rabbia e fantasia (“Duck Amuck”, 1953), sceneggiato dall’italo-americano Michael Maltese, nasconda, dietro una veste surrealista e leggera, una vera e propria riflessione sull’etnicità.



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How to Cite

D’Alfonso, A. (2021). Daffy Duck or the Generous Writer. Oltreoceano - Rivista Sulle Migrazioni, (9), 49–58. Retrieved from https://riviste.lineaedizioni.it/index.php/oltreoceano/article/view/213